Here’s your opportunity to get this desirable figure for cheaper than market value! Here’s why: I got this a couple of years ago from a smoking household. It smelled faintly of smoke when I got it, so I let him sit in a bag with dryer sheets for a long while and let him air out. You can hardly smell it anymore, but if you basically put your nose on the figure you can faintly smell it. The second reason is the magnet for the holster had come off when I got it. I super glued it back on and tried to wipe the excess glue off with a paper towel. I didn’t realize the glue had already started to dry, so it stuck a little bit of paper towel residue on the holster which you can see in picture 3. I never tried to remove it, so you may be able to do so. You can’t see it when the figure is being displayed. The third reason is I don’t have the box. I have lovingly and carefully wrapped it in as much bubble wrap as I could find and placed everything into plastic bags. This figure displays great and is in very good condition.